Eugene Healthcare Coalition

Eugene Healthcare Coalition: 2nd City-Wide Healthcare Forum & Health Fair
EHC was organized in response to the closure of Eugene’s only hospital and ER, the exodus of many physicians and patients from the Oregon Medical Group, the defunding of White Bird Clinic, and the general decline of availability and quality of health care in Eugene. Our mission includes education and advocacy for better healthcare quality, access, and equity.
The 1ST Citywide Healthcare Forum, organized by the Churchill Area Neighbors, took place on September 28, 2024. It was a great success, with 400+ attendees. Panelists included Oregon legislators, healthcare providers, and activists.
Our latest project is the 2nd City-Wide Healthcare Forum, which includes a Health Fair hosted by the Eugene-Springfield NAACP. The event will provide information about ongoing efforts to improve access to and quality of health care in Eugene-Springfield and Oregon generally, legislation under consideration in Salem, and what community members can do to support these efforts.
The NAACP-hosted Health Fair immediately preceding the Forum will feature 20+ local organizations providing access to resources and information. For more information from NAACP Eugene, please click this link:
Click Event Forum Details below, including a list of panelists.
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