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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting – March 18, 2020

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Heather Quaas-Annsa, Jenelle Boyd, Bonnie Stone

Absent: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo

Meeting was called to order at 7:06 by Ethan.

  1. Motion to approve agenda passed.

Open Floor Comment:

  1. Heather initiated a discussion about ABC being proactive in providing Covid-19 information and information about community resources. Send any information and good links to Heather. Ethan will sent up appropriate links in Facebook, website and to email list.

  2. Motion to appoint Ed Farren to the open Member-at-Large position by Janice, seconded by Suzanne and passed. Lin will notify Ed.

Old Business:

  1. Motion to approve February board minutes by Lin, seconded by Bonnie and passed.

  2. Loss of the [route 1] bus on Barger (Bonnie)

  3. Riders west of beltline will need to take 2 buses to get downtown. The proposed [route] 45 will run every 15 min and does not run on Barger at all. It will end at Winco. The [route] 54 will run every 30 min. from Santa Clara St. to W11th St. and run up Barger.

  4. The information on the LTD website is hard to understand, but the percentage of people with no access will go up while the frequency in more populated areas will increase. The hope is that the increase in frequency will increase ridership that will allow bus routes to expand coverage.

  5. The fear is that this plan will cut out a segment of the population that is more in need of service and will make it difficult to get to downtown.

  6. We should include a question about bus usage in our planned online survey (including a question to indicate if the respondent uses the bus). (See Discussion of General Meeting below.)

  7. Finalize bylaws (Janice)

  8. Article VII of the bylaws was approved.

  9. Article VIII was postponed until next meeting.

New Business:

  1. Input on 3-lot partition for 2457 E. Irwin Way. The city requires that the developer contact adjacent homeowners and the neighborhood association before moving forward.

  2. The only comment that we know of is that the mailboxes be moved across the street.

  3. The motion was made that we accept the developers plans by Suzanne, seconded by Janice and approved.

  4. Discussion of General Meeting on April 25 (Building a Better Bethel) that has been cancelled (Lin)

  5. It will be replaced with a survey (postcard to be mailed to all ABC members with information about how to take the survey.) Lin will find out the logistics from the city. Survey questions can be proposed by email and finalized with the help of the Civic Engagement Team.

  6. There was a discussion about having an online General Meeting. Lin will check with Cindy and Rene about this possibility.

  7. Establish newsletter publication dates (Ethan)

  8. Need to publish a newsletter before each general meeting (Sept, Jan, April and We Are Bethel in June).

  9. The printer needs 2 ½ weeks and we should allow at least 5 days to put the newsletter together. We can plan backwards from the general meeting dates once they are set.

  10. Approval of Civic Engagement speeches (Lin)

  11. The speeches are to be presented at City Council meetings. They carry more weight if they are approved by the neighborhood associations.

  12. Need to incorporate a request that Bethel be next in line for a neighborhood plan. The last one was done in 1982. A neighborhood plan is a comprehensive assessment of needs completed jointly by the city planning department and the neighborhood constituents.

  13. A motion was made to approve Lin’s statement and the statements on Recreation and Environment/Air Quality by Janice, seconded by Bonnie and approved.

  14. The statements on Infrastructure, Amenities and Funding Inequities will be rewritten and Lin will email those statements for approval.

Committee Reports:

  1. Finance (Suzanne)

  2. Cindy does not have the amount of our next allocation yet.

  3. The question was asked if there are any expenditures that need to be reimbursed and there were no requests. State filings that require a fee will be due in May.

  4. Ethan asked that we reevaluate our ENI membership and tax status at the next meeting.

  5. Events (Lin)

  6. ABC General Meeting, April 25 has been cancelled. (See New Business above)

  7. ABC Scavenger Hunt, Spring 2020, has been postponed.

  8. We Are Bethel, June 6, 2020, noon-4 p.m. Hopefully this will happen.

  9. Public Safety (Lin)

  10. Committee meets monthly with speakers. Meetings are scheduled but will be cancelled for the foreseeable futhre. Speakers will be rescheduled.

  11. Beautification (Doug) – No report.

  12. ABC Food Pantry (Janice)

  13. Kalapuya High School pantry ordered close to 1,200 pounds of food last week.

  14. Willamette is ordered around 300 pounds.

  15. The question was asked if the schools need help distributing food. Janice will find out what they are doing and email the board.

  16. Business Relations (Ethan)

  17. No activity.

  18. Communications (Ethan)

  19. See discussion about newsletter schedule above under New Business.

  20. Ethan will get Lin access to Facebook and website.

  21. Civic Engagement (Lin)

  22. See discussion about Civic Engagement statements to be read at city council meetings above under New Business.

  23. Recycling (Bonnie)

  24. Recycling date will need to be postponed.

  25. Bylaws (Janice)

  26. See Bylaws above under Old Business

Meeting adjourned at 8:34

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