March 17th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Emily Pyle, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger, Travis Johannes andd Amie Anderson-Forbis
Absent: Madison Hibler
Two members of the public joined
Guest speaker: Ward 6 City Councilor Greg Evans
7:03 Meeting was called to order by: Tai
– Motion to approve agenda made by: Lin
7:06 – Unanimous approval by Board
7:06 – Floor opened for public comment- No comments
7:07 – Motion to approve Board meeting minutes from 2/27/7021
1st: Amie
2nd: Ethan
Meeting minutes approved by board
7:08 – New Business:
ABC Spreadsheet for volunteer hours – Amie
Offering a quarterly prize for anyone who sends hours for the past couple of months. Amie to send out template for Board members to use.
– Suzanne – question if own template could be used.
Amie advised could use own or could use template created.
7:11 – Lin nominated Lauren to be member at large.
– Board approves Lauren to be Member at large.
7:13 – Old Business:
Bylaws update – Ed Farren
– updates tabled for next meeting.
7:13 – Recycle Event – Lin/Jenny/Emily
Both Jenny and Emily are now Master Recyclers having completed course. Bonnie should be back to help with recycle events soon.
7:16 – Jenny and Emily emailed ideas. From master recycler’s class were advised having a drive through would not be hygienic. Instead, will have a designated space in which items to be recycled can be stored until being picked up.
– Suzanne- How much has been taken?
Jenny – Unknown amount at present but will need to move forward to plan an event for more recycling that does not include idling cars – this is to help reduce carbon monoxide left by cars.
Lin – also need to address how to handle non-recycled items left by people.
Jenny – Can set up space for items that have to be trash vs recycling. Items to be recycled will need to be clean. Recycling costs money – it does not make money.
7:21 – Lin – Recycling committee will need to meet and come up with recycling event plan, resources needed, etc.
Jenny – Will need a space for items prior to be taken to be recycled.
Lin – space near Jenny’s home might be able to be used as a drop off site.
Ethan – volunteered to be 2nd drop off site
Jenny will schedule items and advise people what is acceptable/times for drop off, etc.
Lin will have a notice in the newsletter about event.
7:27 – General Meeting Discussion
Lin – Next general meeting will be 4/21/2021- topic will be Beyond Toxics; including work done about J.H. Baxter site. Will have speakers who will talk about work on-going. Tree Planting initiative also a possible topic to be addressed.
Friends of trees focusing on building up tree canopy in Bethel. Will be using neighborhood groups to help determine where to plant.
7:30 – Fire preparation – Ed
Discussion about fire preparation and reducing wildfire natural fuel or rearranging fuel sources to limit exposure.
Discussion about Fire Preparation and ways to reduce the risk of wildfire in residential areas by
1. cleaning and fixing places on houses where burning embers could fall and start fires.
2. clearing flammable materials that are next to houses.
3. preventing ground fires from climbing up into shrubs and trees by reducing ladder fuels.
4. spacing shrubs and trees far enough apart so fire can’t travel through tree and shrub tops.
5. replacing flammable decks, fencing, and siding with non-flammable materials, or less flammable materials.
6. insuring that fire trucks are able to easily turn around at the ends of dead end streets and driveway.
7. providing water sources for fire use in undeveloped areas.
8. being sure through public info and drills that civilians know to have a go-bag, the authorized signals for evacuation, the best routes to use, safe places to go, and any necessary supplies, materials, and paper work.
9. designate areas, if any, which can be used as last ditch safety zones for people who don’t evacuate in time.
– Amie – will Friends of Trees be at the meeting?
– Lin – Yes, they will be present. Meeting will be about 1-1/2 hours long. Does board approve of this meeting topic?
7:37 – Board approves of topic choice.
7:37 – Newsletter – Lin – various article topics:
Pre-registration for vaccination – Sarah to work on article
12-month EWEB preparation ideas- ways to be ready ahead of a disaster
Wildfire preparation – – Ed to work on article about fire safety for around the house.
Heritage cookbook- Suzanne to write article
Deadline for articles is May 1st (changed to 1st of April due to Gen Mtg date)
– Debra (member of public)- OSU has done fire preparation and could also be a resource for details/steps.
7:43 – Cookbook – Suzanne
– City cannot provide finances for helping to publish cookbook. But ABC board can post online and see about matching grants. Could also see about using ABC newsletter to help with access to recipes.
– Jenny – Could also include a section about preservation as well.
– Lin – Could begin by showcasing a recipe on newsletter
– Suzanne – Suggested reaching out to local food trucks about recipes.
– Lin – incorporating food trucks would be a great way to feature local businesses as well.
– Eva’s food truck put forth as a possible first feature. Could also be listed on the forum.
– Jenny – How often do the newsletters go out?
– Lin – Two within each quarter- both newsletter and postcards.
– Jenny – Could Pantry efforts also be mentioned in the newsletter?
– Lin – Yes this could also be included. In addition, could also mention recycling event.
– Jenny – Shout out to local gardens- give-away of produce would be downtown and will need volunteers.
7:56 – Committee Reports:
7:56 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report to board in prior email.
7:57 – Events – Lin – Sent out events – need volunteers for seed give away event – need help to give away soil. Will be 3/27 – Noon to 5pm. Suzanne, Jenny and Lin will volunteer.
– 7:59 – Beautification – Travis – Meeting tomorrow night – working on selecting site for herb garden. Travis will also write article for newsletter.
– 8:00 – Pantry – Jenny – Skinner City Farms – not able to be used as a Market. However, items grown can be donated. Volunteers needed. Will write article for upcoming newsletter.
– 8:02 – Business Relations – Lin – Nothing new to report. Will be working on ideas.
– 8:03 – Communication – Lin – working on Newsletter
– Civic Engagement – Lin – City Council should be getting a work session soon to address Jensen Pond. Pond no longer to be filled in. Developer to be setting up housing. Residents concerned about wetlands protections being removed.
– Recycling – Already discussed earlier in meeting.
– Bylaws – Already discussed earlier in meeting.
– Social Equity Workgroup – Lin – Videos watched and then discussed.
– 8:10 – New Business – Jensen Pond discussion
– Suzanne – Need to be cautious about what developer’s intent is.
– Tai – No one has proposed filling in pond. Owners of Jenson Pond location are from Idaho and are a LLC.
– 8:14 – Guest Speaker – Ward 6 City Councilor Greg Evans
Further discussion about Jenson Pond development
– Councilman Evans – Will be putting together a work session after spring break. Most available or vacant land in Eugene is located in Bethel. Have to find a balance between meeting needs for affordable housing and protection of natural resources.
– Suzanne – Will there be tree protection(s)?
– Councilman Evans – Believes that to be a possibility. Balance of natural resources and addressing the shortage of affordable housing when working with private developers.
– Lin – Will this discussion help put Bethel planning/development up a notch for the city?
– Councilman Evans – Currently sitting behind development for the University area and the River Front project. Working to get things started for Bethel re-development. Bethel area has not had planned development since 1982 or infrastructure updates.
– Ed looked at Jessen Pond area, needs trash clean up, needs off street parking, needs work done on huge cottonwood trees to prevent dead limbs and tops from falling on people, needs signs warning of hazards of drowning from falling into or swimming in ponds. Fencing, vault toilets, lighting, and a curfew would also be advisable.
– Jenny – Can volunteers find a way to own part of park?
– Councilman Evans – Will need to be discussed during work session.
– Suzanne – Could we put a notice in our newsletter to help draw the city’s attention to this area? If yes, what should it read as or mention?
– Councilman Evans – Write a letter to the City Council and the Mayor. Be blunt about demands and needs. Bethel has been neglected for nearly 40 years. Need an area plan to help develop but also needs to have Bethel resident involvement/participation. What do residents envision this area to look like in the next 20 years?
– 8:52 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin
Approved by board.