Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2020, 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Emily Pyle, Amie Anderson-Forbis, Madison Hibler, Suzanne O’Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger
Absent: Travis Johannes and Kimberli Holmquist
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 by: Lin
Motion to approve agenda made by: Lin
1st by: Ed
Seconded by: Emily
7:05 – Motion to approve of 11/18 Meeting Minutes: Lin
– 1st by: Ed
– 2nd by: Madison
Meeting minutes approved by board.
Old Business: 7:05
– Airport noise – Kimberli: (absent): Will review any updates next meeting.
Suggestion to post agenda on Facebook page to reach additional audience.
Springfield Shower update: Suzanne/Lin – getting showers for Rest Stop in Eugene. Starting a fund for a use to set up showers – possibly matching grant idea proposed. Check in with Carry it Forward to see how we might be able to set up showers in Bethel.
Ed – mentioned Fire Camp Showers (5-6 showers – cost roughly around $1,000) as a consideration.
– Suzanne – How does hot water keep?
– Ed – Water heater that is self-contained
– Tai – Initial contact with group Carry It Forward will be able to provide perhaps more ideas suggestions. Will report back about contact meeting at next meeting.
New Bylaws update – Ed adding new bylaws regarding the ability for the ABC committee to vote virtual (i.e emergency situations, etc.). Draft provided during meeting. Approval of draft put forth.
Suzanne – What about discussions for voting topics?
Ed – Everyone most vote “yes” to pass the topic and move it forward.
Suzanne – Do we need to alert public to changes made to bylaws?
Tai – Public does not need to know ahead of time but would be noted in next Meeting Minutes. As an email, the topic is then opened up to a 24 hour in order to discuss. New e-mail for Vote within 48 hours to reach final voting result.
Suzanne – Does this require a “2nd” if coming up for a vote?
Re-drafting change for Bylaw for further clarification for voting rules (Tai/Ed).
Updates for board: 7:30
Neighbors Helping Neighbors – (Lin). Lin got confirmation from Steve Gilbert for using Gilbert Shopping Center parking lot for food drive. Need someone who can organize that part of the food drive. Proposed Pantry Committee to help spearhead that drive.
Amie – Supplies needed such as containers. Can food be stored on site?
Lin – When you get food, can bring to Lane for food.
Jenny – 2/13/2021 – Community give away could be initiated here. Pantry Committee could host giveaway. Additionally, could set up a “Taste not Waste” initiative.
Lin – This could be organized as a future event.
Amie – Who could do advertising?
Lin – ABC board would. Could also look into Food for Lane general ad as well.
7:36 – Map Your Neighborhood – listed in most recent newsletter.
– Ed – Training for program is informative – newsletter also a good resource for getting neighbors educated about program and its benefits. C.E.R.T. advised not to Map Neighborhood until pandemic is more contained. A lot of research, roles needing to be clarified still.
– Lin- talk with people about newsletter’s Map so we can know who was interested and be involved in trainings. Need to start gathering data regarding resources and those who might be interested in this program. Request for a list of names of neighbors who have expressed interest to be sent to Lin via email.
– Suzanne – Was there to be a video of a meeting for this program?
– Ed – yes, was emailed out.
– Lin – Good to encourage people to think through the resources that are available near them. Possibility of doing a Zoom meeting to help connect neighbors interested in this program.
7:43 – New Draft for Bylaws proposed.
Tai – Put forth new draft for voting bylaws- provided 2nd draft in meeting.
Ed – Not sure if anything but unanimous voting meets the new draft proposed?
Suzanne – Will decisions be delayed due to 48-hour window if it’s an emergency?
Tai – Oregon statute for non-profits for voting online- “Cannot be less than 48 hours”.
Madison – Are electronic signatures required/legal for the ABC board for online votes?
Tai – Would require more research outside of current ABC board meeting. Majority is default for email voting.
7:52 – Motion to approve new addition to bylaws by Lin:
1st: Suzanne
7:53 – JH Baxter Core Group
Emily – Group consists currently of representatives from Regulatory officials from Lane Regional Air Protection, Data Scientists, U of O scientists, etc. Soil testing done- found levels of toxins are higher than in the past. Group trying to determine why toxin levels are so high.
Lin – Dioxin was what was found at street level – not on the JH Baxter site. Still accepting more people for that group – if anyone expresses interest please reach out to Lin.
Emily – Monthly meetings through March going forward.
Suzanne – Is Baxter still operating?
Lin – Yes, but they have made updates for cleaning up their area. Use compliant line if there are any noticed areas of concerns.
8:00 – Update about Parks Project grant.
Lin – Helping Hilary Mankofsky get it submitted by Dec 18. If accepted, we will need to find volunteers – the park site will need to be cleaned up – would like people to help with clean-up effort.
Jenny – Will this be handicapped accessible?
Lin – Yes, it should be. Working in partnership with Safe Paths to Schools- Hilary from Bethel School District.
8:03 – General Zoom Meeting set for 12/18/2020 as part of the Better Business Alliance – Meet and Greet for local business to talk about and answer questions to public.
– Lin – Prize winners for Bi-Mart – Ten $10 gift cards. Shared screen with ABC board regarding gift cards and list to track winners (Bethel neighbors will email and name to be logged in order to make sure they can pick up their gift card). 1st 10 emails will win the gift cards.
Sarah will provide a brief summary for General Meeting of what ABC has been helping with in the neighborhood – will be around 2 minutes as a brief recap. Will break for about 5 minutes a few times during the presentations in order to look over responses, enter data and announce the winners. Meeting will be recorded.
– Lin – Tai- can you be a chat watcher during the zoom meeting? Amie volunteered to be the meetings chat watcher.
Lin – Advised that people will need to type in “Chime” in order to talk – or “Idea” if needing assistance (language barrier, etc.). Will also need a Spanish translator. Will ask Kimberli.
Ethan – will be the timer for the meeting.
Lin – will do the welcome, announce winners.
8:15 – updates for Matching Grants to be given at next meeting.
8:16 – Committee Reports:
8:16 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report to board.
– Amie – Question as to if there are less restrictions on spending the committee’s money that we get donated?
– Lin – No restrictions
– Suzanne – Requested confirmation of how ABC is to use credit at Albertsons?
– Lin – Can send out email to see how board will like to use.
Both Suzanne and Tai are working on PayPal complaint.
8:20 – Events – Lin – spoke about upcoming Zoom meeting for Shop Local meet and greet.
– Suzanne – suggestion to vote about how to spend Albertson’s credit to pay off debts (bottles/cans returns)?
– Motion carried by Board.
8:22 – Disaster Preparedness – ED – spoke about alert from EWEB regarding possible flooding in northwest Oregon forecasted. Possibility that heavy rains will flood dam areas and spill out into smaller rivers.
8:24 – Beautification – Lin spoke in place for Travis (absent for this meeting) – committee still working out nuts and bolts of committee.
8:25 – Equity – Lin spoke about videos suggested by Misty Frost – in particular the movie “Healing Hate” which focused on rehabilitation of former gang members.
8:27 – Pantry – Jenny and Amie spoke of work being done.
– Good collection of donations so far – about 400+ donations in barrels. Might need an area to keep all items donated in- between items being given to neighbors.
– Day of Giving – clothing, batteries, shampoo items needed. Shopping list for people to know what to donate to be made available. Possible fundraising project.
– Need a space for allotment – possibly to raise with Hilary about using the Park Project to help with this need.
– Shout out of appreciation for the work of the Burrito Brigade for our area.
8:34 – Business Relations – Zoom call for Meet and Greet scheduled. Spoken about earlier in meeting. Newsletter sent out.
8:35 – Recycling – coordination on hold for events due to COVID regarding meet ups.
– Bonnie/Ethan – Will work on items for next meeting to go over possible recycling events on 12/16pm at 4pm.
8:37 – Motion to adjourn made by: Tai
Approved by board.