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Active Bethel Citizens Executive Board Meeting Minutes Online February 17th, 2021, 7-8:30pm (PST)


Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Emily Pyle, Madison Hibler, Suzanne O’ Shea, Jenny Boyd, Ethan Clevenger and Travis Johannes

Absent: Amie Anderson-Forbis and Madison Hibler

7:02 Meeting was called to order by: Tai

– Motion to approve agenda made by: Tai

– 1st by: Ed

– Seconded by: Suzanne

7:03 – New Business:

Lauren Antrosiglio – Open floor to discuss creating an ABC forum. Proposed as a way to expand social space for Bethel neighborhood online. Would be a link on the ABC website for people to access and be able to submit posts. There will be a need for moderators to review content periodically for inappropriate posts.

– Tai – Will need to work out who the moderators will be and how much time will be needed to get forum up and going.

– Moderators who volunteered for monthly moderation are: Tai, Lauren, Emily and Lin

7:29- Motion to approve of 1/20/2021 Meeting Minutes:

– 1st by: Emily

– 2nd by: Suzanne

Meeting minutes approved by board.

7:29 – Old Business:

ABC hours spreadsheet update – tabled for next meeting as Amie and Madison were absent

7:29 – Neighbors helping Neighbors food drive – very successful conclusion with 11+ barrels filled.

7:30 – Master Recycler – need for a Master Recycler(s) – would be able to take part in a 30- minute training event. Volunteers needed:

Jenny and Emily both volunteered. Emily can train on a Saturday March 6. Need to sign up.

– Jenny – is there a cost?

– Lin – No known cost associated

7:34 – Serving on City Board Meetings – Tai

City has a bunch of advisory committees which have recruitment once a year. Currently have positions open to join until 3/12. If any board members are interested in joining please let Tai know so that ABC can send a letter of approval to the city. In particular, positions are open on the Planning Commission. Would be beneficial for someone from the Bethel neighborhood to be on that board for input.

– Ed – Do they meet on Zoom?

– Tai – The meetings at present are still on Zoom.

Are able to apply for multiple committees – counselors will then review applicant information and appoint.

7:41 – General Meeting mentions – Lin

Need three topics to discuss for by end of year including the date and time to meet about those issues.

Topics put forth by ABC board members:

  1. Beyond toxics- people looking at air/soil/water quality. Could have speakers to help illuminate issues and ways to combat/reverse areas determined to have toxic levels of concern.

  2. Friends of Trees – Bethel neighborhoods were noted as having the smallest tree canopy in the city. Possibility for matching grant for planting trees or put together work parties to plant more trees in the neighborhood.

  3. Crime – Looking at ways to reduce crime in Bethel.

– Jenny – what crime has the highest numbers of occurrence?

– Lin – Prowlers and trespassing are persistent. Additionally, recent hate crime could might also possibly be on the rise.

  1. Suzanne – Would like to see more about emergency preparedness.

  2. Ed – CERT holds Zoom meetings on emergency preparation each month.

  3. Jenny – Is there a way to pass out information to people in the neighborhood to help promote those ideas.

  4. Emily – Might be nice to have items that could be handed out at large events for such topics being worked on in order to help educate neighbors on issues/solutions.

  5. Suzanne – Could there be a way to post neighborhood activities?

  6. Lin – The event team could meet and plan next activity(s). Additionally, could combine efforts for Friends of Trees/Beyond Toxic.

  7. Jenny – Can ABC put out a request for root plant items such as bulbs, seeds, etc to help supply for the Neighborhood Plant give away event at Peterson Barn? Visitor traffic will be staggered for safety.

  8. Lin – Possibility that the ABC booth could give away bags of soil that have been donated.

  9. Jenny – Another possibility would be to give away small veggie packs for people to grow.

8:02 – Chat with ABC chairs (Lin/Tai). What are the goals and ways board members would like to contribute or see happen for ABC. Will be calling board members soon to discuss.

8:03 – Committee Reports:

  1. 8:03 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report to board in prior email.

  2. 8:04 – Events – Lin – possibility of setting up a geocaching, scavenger hunts, etc. to help get people involved in the neighborhood.

  3. 8:06 – Public Safety – Ed spoke briefly about personal/household safety. Reminder that he does zoom meetings on 2nd Saturdays at 10am about further safety/preparedness items.

  4. Ed – also currently working to update the by-laws including name change.

  5. Lin – It would be a good to show new name change – city charter and DBA on corporation documents.

– 8:08- Beautification – Travis – on this coming Thursday (2/18/2021) will have Zoom meeting with Wren about medicinal/herb garden.

– 8:10 – Social Equity – Lin/Travis – Had meeting last night, watched movies about social equity issues and discussed topics. 3/3/2021 will be the next meeting – an invite will be sent out for those interested.

  1. 8:12 – Pantry – Jenny – All barrels all rebooted and redone.

  2. Sarah – Could we have donation barrels placed at Winco?

  3. Jenny – Due to Winco’s corporate policies not able to have the donation barrels on site – but there are barrels nearby at the Mailbox store.

  4. 8:14 – Business Relations – Lin – Nothing new yet but still working on forming Bethel Business Alliance.

  5. 8:15 – Business Relations – Lin – Would love to put out newsletters that includes bright pictures and interviews with neighbors. If people could contribute articles that would be helpful. More interesting and would help strengthen community ties. Will put out general request for people to help with newsletter as a collaboration.

  6. Suzanne – Possibly could invite local high school to find students who might be interested in helping put the newsletter together as extra credit, life skill, etc. – maybe kids who are interested in journalism.

8:19 – Civic Engagement – Lin – No speech given for ABC at last meeting.

8:20 – New Business – Multicultural Cookbook – Suzanne

Proposed putting together a cookbook that showcases recipes from Bethel neighbors. Possible calling the cookbook – “Bethel Heritage Cookbook.” Would be a way to also introduce the diverse makeup of the Bethel area. Could see if the City would help fund this as an outreach program to help with its creation.

– Tai – Will need to include PR on the ABC forum to help promote.

– Emily – How would recipes be collected?

– Lin – Would post for volunteers on website.

– Emily – what about those who do not speak English or are not ABC members?

– Lin – All houses in the Bethel neighborhood receive newsletters sent out by ABC and these typically are in both English and Spanish.

– Lin/Jenny – Could do a feature with the recipe to help involve more people.

8:29 – Board General Meeting Dates

  1. Suzanne – Wanted to know what the dates were going to be for the General Meetings for ABC?

  2. Lin – April 21st would be looking at Beyond Toxics. July 21st would look at neighborhood crime/prevention. October 20th would include ABC board member elections.

  3. Meeting dates all approved by ABC board.

– 8:33 – Motion to adjourn made by: Tai

1st by: Ed

2nd by: Jenny

Approved by board.

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