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Active Bethel Community Board Meeting Minutes In person Meeting at Asbury United Methodist Church April 17th, 2024 7:00–8:30pm (PST)

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Sarah Warren, Suzanne O’Shea, Ed Farren, Maya Lazaro, Jim Koch, Eric Dziura, Jeremy AAsum

Absent:  Robin Bloomgarden, Jose Cuauxinque, Diane Behling

7:01:  Meeting called to order - Tai

Board approved meeting agenda


7:02:  No Public comments


7:02  Meeting minutes for March put forth for board approval by Lin

• 1st: Eric

• 2nd: Suzanne

Board approved March meeting minutes


7:03:  New Business.  Lin and Tai spoke about meeting with Julien, Cindy and Fabio regarding Bethel Plan.  Planning process is running parallel with University Neighborhoods and Bethel Neighborhoods, however, the planning for either will move forward separately and will be independent for decision making regarding each location.

A steering committee will be put together and will be open for community members interested to have a voice as part of the planning process.

ABC will be posting both the association Bylaws and Charter to the ABC website.

City of Eugene will be purchasing a projector to be used in meetings as well as a 20’ x 20’ canopy for outdoor events.


7:14:  ABC board attendees discussed the steps for the Neighborhood Association Work Plan.  Spoke about using a Work Plan template to outline priorities/initiatives.

Future Board election meeting scheduled on 10/16/2024 is to be held at Willamette High School lecture hall.

Suzanne - Is there a feasibility study regarding JH Baxter - in particular could site be repurposed to be used to try to help provide affordable housing?

Eric - Due to environment conditions of site it would not be suited at present for housing.

ABC board to try to break down sections for board to review for future meeting in order to complete needed work plan.

Eric - Can we come up with a mission statement for the ABC?

Tai - ABC can come up with a mission statement and proposed a planning/organizational committee to be created that could address this item.


Tai, Lin, Maya and Eric interested in being part of such a committee.



Tai put forth proposal for a committee to be formed:

• 1st: Jeremey

• 2nd: Maya

Board approves creation of organizational committee for ABC.  Committee will be able to draft  work plan to be used.  The ABC board will then approve the final draft prior to submission due June 1st, 2024 to City of Eugene.  Meeting(s) to be set up for work to begin on draft.


7:32:  Eugene Healthcare Coalition involvement - Eric spoke to board about coalition.  Working towards making more access to healthcare facilities, like public hospital(s) available.  Labor organizers mostly involved with formation of coalition and would like to involve neighborhood associations to include additional community voices.

-Tai - ABC cannot be involved without a delegate - is Eric willing to take that role?

Eric- Yes- at present would be interested in being ABC delegate.

Tai - The ABC delegate will need to determine how the ABC could support role:

1.)  Can have delegate report to ABC board directly.

2.)  Other alternative can be delegate would report to an ABC committee, and then that  committee would report to ABC board.

Pros and Cons discussed by ABC board.  Proposal put forth to have Eric become a delegate:

• 1st - Eric

• 2nd - Jeremy

Board approves Eric to become delegate.


7:50:  Web page discussion - Jeremy- spoke to board about donations page on website, creation of committee pages to be added to ABC website.

For tracking a grant list will see what administrative software is available independent of website for use by ABC.



7:54:   Committee Reports:


7:54::  Finance - Suzanne - Emailed ABC board with report.  Will be stepping down from position held as Treasurer.  ABC has open position for Treasurer.


7:57:  Public Safety - Ed - Spoke about that OR Office Emergency has grant opportunities coming up for neighborhoods.  Ed put forth proposal to be able to move forward and further look into applying for grants:

• 1st: Maya

• 2nd: Eric

Board approves proposal.


8:07:  Beautification - Sarah - Spoke about up coming projects including Pollinator corridor ideas, plant nursery community trip, and updates for herb garden at Petersen Barn.  


 8:11: Pantry - Maya - Spoke about up coming pet food drive with Greenhill.  Working to locate donation sites within Bethel for a June food drive.  Will also see about having a barrel at the We Are Bethel celebration event on June 8th.


8:15:  Events- Lin - spoke about up coming Golden Gardens event on May, 4th- Beyond Toxics 10am-2pm.


8:22:  Transportation - Tabled for next meeting


8:23:  Recycle event - Lin - new event planned for June 29th.


8:23:  Airport committee- Eric gave updates


8:25:  Meeting adjourned - Tai  

Thank you Suzanne for all your contributions to help make Bethel better and for your work as an ABC board member!



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