Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Sarah Warren, Maya Lazaro, Jim Koch, Eric Dziura, Ed Farren, Robin Bloomgarden
Absent: Diane Behling, Jose Cuauxinque, Jeremy AAsum, Mark Bond
Guest: Mike Negre
7:02: Meeting called to order - Tai
Board approved meeting agenda
7:04: Open Floor - No public comments
7:04: Meeting minutes for July put forth for board approval by Lin
• 1st: Eric
• 2nd: Jim
Board approved July meeting minutes
7:05: New Business -
7:05: Beam Bright Parade - Lin - Spoke about what can be used for parade. To be held on 7/28 at 7pm. Board discussed ABC’s involvement. $35 entry fee to be used to enter ABC in parade. Motion put forth for abc to use funds to enter parade:
• 1st: Eric
• 2nd: Robin
Board approves to enter parade
7:10: Bethel Area plan - Lin/Tai. Gave updates and board spoke about Big Lots closure.
7:20: Clean fuel facility - Lin - Board discussed project and impact on the Bethel/Trainsong area.
7:25: Climate friendly webinar - Maya - Discussed with board topics presented during presentation attended - will email board link for survey.
7:35: Churchill Summit: Eric - spoke about lack of hospital in West Eugene. Summit to be held on 9/26 6:30-8:30 at Willamette Christian Center.
Proposal for ABC to be a sponsor with a donation to help support effort:
• 1st: Robin
• 2nd: Maya
Board approves donation by ABC of $50
7:40: United Days of Caring - Mike Negre spoke about working to put in place partnership with United Way to help establish small garden plots. 45 offers from volunteers to assist - working on the last details of the project to begin moving forward. After 8/28 should have plan in place.
7:50: Google website discussion tabled for next meeting.
7:51: Committee Reports:
7:51:: Finance - Eric - Emailed ABC board with report. Jim provided updates regarding blue bags/bottle drop
7:55: Public Safety - Ed - Spoke about C.E.R.T. programs and 2 Week disaster plan for households
7:57: Beautification - Sarah - Gave updates of projects being considered for next steps
8:04: Pantry - Maya - Gave updates
8:10: Events/Communications: Lin - Gave updates
8:14: Civic Engagement: Lin/Tai - Working to develop what focus topic(s) should be to help determine projects
8:15: Transportation: Tabled for next meeting
8:15 Recycle event - Lin - Tabled for next meeting
8:16: By Laws - Tai- gave updates regarding charter change
8:21: Airport committee - Tabled for next meeting
8:27: Health Care Coalition - Eric gave updates
8:30: Meeting adjourned - Tai