June 21st, 2023 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Jeremy AAsum, Diane Behling,
Zach Mulholland, Sarah Warren, Robin Bloomgarden, Suzanne O’Shea,
Absent: Jose Cuauxinque, Amie Anderson-Forbis,
Guest: Jere Rosemeyer, Mark Kosmos (Golden Gardens)
7:02 Meeting called to order – Lin
Put forth approval of meeting agenda- approved by ABC board
7:06: Meeting minutes for April and May put forth for board approval
1. 1st: Diane
2. 2nd: Robin
Board approves April and May meeting minutes
7:08 Mark Kosmos (landscape architect on Golden Gardens design team) spoke to attendees
regarding any questions open by public at present for site’s development.
• Zach – went over letter proposed for addressing community concerns about use of astroturf
within Golden Gardens. Focused on requesting the least amount, if any Astroturf to be used
due to environmental and habitat concerns of its inclusion in proposed designs.
• Mark – Still in review stage of development of which type of park materials to be used have
not yet been discussed by design teams. Use of landscape materials would be part of a
different phase in construction of site. Design plans still moving through public process to
make transparent the intensions of site use and materials incorporated.
• Diane – Was there a rough estimate regarding when such phases are to be completed and
will there be public hearings for community discussions?
• Mark – Timeline process will be wrapping up within the next year.
• Robin – Bethel community working to overcome a toxic legacy which is of great concern for
neighborhood and development of Golden Gardens is valued by public as well as its health.
• Tai – As this is a sensitive topic and area of concern for the Bethel community there is public
concern regarding the circular nature of discussions as to how elements impact the overall
design but are respectful of the processes that must be followed.
• Zach – Will a Biohazard report be made public for community review?
• Mark – Close to completing report that can then be provided for community review.
• Suzanne – Are there any solutions or alternatives to using astroturf at site?
• Mark – There are pros/cons for when working with its use and these considerations are part
the overall process still under review.
ABC board thanks Mark Kosmos for his time and willingness to speak at this past board
7:40: Pantry committee discussion – Lin
Discussed need for volunteer help to manage the three locations (i.e. delivering donations,
checkin on barrels, etc.). If interested in helping our community please reach out to Lin
Woodrich.7:44: We are Bethel event recap – Lin
Discussed grant possibilities to use for future events. Attendees discussed possible
improvements that can be made going forward:
– Working with schools for updated carnival games
– Parking solutions for directing traffic, use of bikes including possible “ bike corral” for storing
bikes while attending events
– Expanding the data sent out in vendor welcome packets
– Electrical sources for alternative to generator
8:07: Committee Reports:
-8:07 Finance – Suzanne sent out email to board. Went over funds allocated.
-8:22: Beautification – Sarah – Meetings 2nd Thursday – 6pm (PST). Tabled for next meeting.
-8:41: Communications: Lin – discussed article for newsletter is in the works.
– 8:41: Business Planning – Lin – Meetings 4th Wednesday 6:30pm (PST) – on pause
-8:41: Civic Engagement: Zach – Discussed working to get public support through petitions
concerning material use for buffers around Golden Gardens.
– 8:45: Rebranding: Lin/Jeremy – Went over new website updates as it moves closer to going
8:38: Meeting adjourned – Lin