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Executive Board Minutes – June 19, 2019


Members in attendance: Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Janice Kerber, Suzanne O’Shea, Douglas Barr, Pennie Moblo, Lin Woodrich

Absent: Bonnie Stone, Alberta Cook

Visitors: Ryan Moore, Kim Page

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Tai

Motion to approve agenda was approved unanimously (motion made by Pennie, seconded by Janice).

Open floor, public comment:

Ryan Moore announced that tomorrow would be an important day at state legislature due to clean energy, paid family medical leave, tobacco tax bills. Republicans are threatening to walk out.

Old Business:

  1. Minutes of April board meeting and May general meeting was approved unanimously (motion made by Lin and approved by Pennie).

  2. We Are Bethel review (Lin)

  3. Lin passed out the comments from participants. Comments very positive and many participants have already signed up for next year.

  4. We need to do more advertising

  5. This year – Facebook, newsetter, posters/flyers, board at barn

  6. Next year – add signs, Eugene weekly

  7. Boy Scout Troop 22 was a big help and are excited about helping again next year. Check to see if Sea Scouts (Tim Page) can help next year.

  8. Raffle – 370 tickets sold, $292.00 raised. $143.00 from food carts and $3 donation.

  9. Best Business Award – 1st Putters, 2nd Thai Time Kitchen.

  10. Next year’s date is June 6, 2020.

  11. THANK YOU LIN (unanimous).

New Business and Committee Reports:

  1. Bylaws (Janice)

  2. Article and sections referring to officer duties was reviewed.

  3. Motion to approve the changes was approved unanimously (motion made by Pennie, seconded by Suzanne)

  4. Janice will make the changes revised article/sections will be emailed for final review.

  5. City of Kindness initiative

  6. Janice drafted a letter asking Mayor Vinis to name Eugene as a City of Kindness. The letter was signed by Tai and Ethan.

  7. Translator Coordination

  8. Sign language is protected so we must provide a translator if requested.

  9. Hispanic translation and child care are not but we should try to provide if requested. There was a discussion on what this would look like and on how to get the newsletter translated into Spanish. Also, on what the city will provide and how much notice we will need.

  10. Tai will “champion” this initiative.

  11. Future planning (Tai)

  12. Annual General Meeting will be planned for September at Willamette High School. Elections will be held.

  13. Remaining general meetings will be in January and April at Peterson Barn.

  14. Lin will schedule these meetings

  15. Finance Committee (Suzanne)

  16. There are some unspent HRNI funds what will revert back to the city and a new allotment will be made July 1. There was some discussion about spending some HRNI monies on ABC street signs. Suzanne will check with Cindy Koehler (Program Coordinator, HRNI) to see if we have time to get signs made before the end of the fiscal year.

  17. We have receipts of $292.00 from raffle, $143.00 from vendor percentage and $3.00 donation.

  18. There was some discussion on what to do with the (very welcome) money.

  19. Motion to reimburse for Family Fund Night (June 2018), general meeting (misc.) and Boo Barn supplies – a total of $126.17 – passed unanimously (motion made by Janice, seconded by Doug).

  20. Events Committee (Lin)

  21. “We Are Bethel Celebration” was a HUGE success.

  22. We have been invited to table at Bethel’s “Party in the Park” on Tuesday, June 25, 5:30-7:30 at Bethel Community Park. Lin, Suzanne and Pennie volunteered, Janice will check her calendar.

  23. Public Safety Committee (Lin)

  24. Two new members: Alan Overwater and Kaye Galon

  25. Incidents are increasing in Bethel and more Neighborhood Watch groups are encouraged.

  26. Business Relations (Ethan)

  27. No activity this month.

  28. Will send out notice of the next meeting (scheduled for next Monday).

  29. Looking for a “champion.”

  30. Communications (Ethan)

  31. Has send out a Google Poll to determine the best time for committee to meet. Committee will meet on a more regular basis.

  32. Civic Engagement (Tai)

  33. Eugene payroll tax has passed by city council.

  34. There is an initiative to collect enough signatures to get this as ballot measure. Whether it becomes a ballot initiative or not we need to follow this so that we are knowledgeable and can help explain the tax. We may consider have a community meeting to address this issue.

  35. Bylaws (Janice)

  36. See above.

  37. Beautification (Doug)

  38. The graduation at Kalapuya High School was amazing. A student who gave birth the day before walked (not a dry eye to be found). Scholarship money was awarded to students. We need to support and promote the school as it is a wonderful resource in our area.

  39. ABC Food Pantry (Doug)

  40. Burrito Brigade: Kurt, pastor or Open Bible Fellowship, and his wife has a builder who is making pantries for the area.

  41. Partnership with FOOD for Lane County requires a sponsor with 501(c)(3) status. In the short-term the Bethel Foundation may sponsor us; the long-term depends on what happens with ABC’s non-profit tax status.

  42. Kim Page indicated that she has connections with Essex Construction, a company that is very concerned with supporting the area, and they may be willing to pay for our 501(c)(3) status. Suzanne and Tai will meet to determine what needs to be done and the cost.

  43. Kim Page indicated that she might be willing to chair a fundraising committee. Ethan will email the committee guidelines to her.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43.

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