September 2018’s monthly steering committee meeting was held directly following the general meeting that evening.
Full Minutes Available Here, the below may contain typos not present in the downloadable document.
Date: 9/18/18 Location: Petersen Barn Community Center Board Officers Present – Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Ethan Clevenger, Suzanne O’Shea Board Members – Lin Woodrich, Janice Kerber, Simon Kemp, Alberta Cook, Penni Moblo Other’s Present – Duane Kerber
Meeting called to order by Tai at 9:32pm
Following the Active Bethel Citizen Neighborhood Association’s (ABC) General Meeting, the Steering Committee Meeting was called to order, at 9:32pm, by Co-Chair Tbi Pruce-Zimmeman. In attendance were Co-Chair Tai Pruce-Zimmeman, Co-Chair Ethan Clevenger, Treasurer (and Acting Secretary) Suzame O’Shea, Members-At-Large Lin Woodrich, Janice Kerber, Simon Kemp, Alberta Cook, Penni Moblo and community member Duane Kerber. A quorum was present.
Janice Kerber moved that we accept the existing Bylaws of ABC, written in 2011, with the exception of updating the contact address; with the intention of reviewing, and updating, the Bylaws document at a future date. The proposal was seconded and passed.
Suzanne O’Shea moved that Co-Chairs Tai Pruce-Zimmeman and Ethan Clevenger; and Treasurer Suzame O’Shea be given authority to access any bank accounts of ABC, including management and withdrawals. The motion was seconded and passed.
A discussion on future meetings took place. It was tentatively agreed to continue monthly Steering Committee meetings, usually on the third Wednesday of each month, except December; contribute to the Neighborhood Town Hall in December with all Bethel elected political and Bethel School Board representatives (similar to the one that took place last December); General Meetings in January and May; and contribute to the We Are Bethel Celebration on June 2nd.
Lin Woodrich reported that she has already contacted Pat McGillivray, Community Relations, Bethel SchooI District, about the We Are Bethel event; and that he is contacting School District teachers about including participation in their curriculum.
Suzanne O’Shea updated the Steering Committee on her research about the cost, and styles, Of vests for ABC volunteers, and t-Shirts for Steering Committee members. It was decided that no one was strongly interested in purchasing vests at this time and to table the idea until next year. Tai Pruce-Zimmeman suggested doing a fundraiser to collect pre-orders for t-Shirts and having them printed when there are enough orders.
The meeting was adjourned.