April 20th, 2022, 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Amie Anderson-Forbis , Sarah Warren, Charlie Sterling, Zach Mulholland, Jeremy AAsum, Ethan Clevenger, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman, Travis Johannes, Suzanne O’Shea
Absent: Ed Farren
Guest: Roger Wong, Mark Smith, Diane Behling, Gatlin Alshvyukh, Nicole Desch, Tomas Monter-rangel, Tomi Bates, Tresa, Randy Groves, Wacai, Toma Daly, Andrea DiPalma, Mark Bond
7:02: Welcome by Lin to attendees. Introduction to the night’s meeting, Spanish channel will be in place to provide Spanish language. Shared screen to go over details of audio feature, time after each presentation for questions/ideas went over rules set for meeting.
7:13: Tai – meeting called to order – approval of agenda put forth:
1st: Suzanne
2nd: Jeremy
Board approved agenda
7:14: Blood Works presentation by Mark Smith. Blood donations in Lane County – shared screen for slide show. Blood Works supplies 95% of all blood in Northwest and 100% in Lane County (hospitals, etc.). Locations reduced for blood drives due to staff shortages a a result of COVID and appointment cancellations.
To clarify – there is NO issues with vaccinations and donating blood. There is a shortage of blood donations – PLEASE DONATE!
Suffering sever shortages for blood types: B negative, O & A Positive – equivalent to less than 24 hours available.
Blood drive to be held at Bethesda Church off Royal Avenue 5/9, 5/10.
7:23: Meeting minutes for March – put forth for approval:
1st: Travis
2nd: Suzanne
Board approved meeting minutes
7:24: Lin nominated Diane Behling as a member at large:
1st: Travis
2nd: Jeremy
Board approves Diane
7:26: Gaitlin – Garden program coordinator at Huerto de la Familia. Currently has 6 community gardens within Bethel – Prairie Mountain School in Bethel, Bailey Hill, Springfield, Coburg area, Santa Clara, Downtown Eugene and in Cottage Grove. Have about 200 households that use gardens. All services are available in Spanish as largest population are immigrants and/or Spanish speaking. Plots are about 15’x20’ and are $15 a year to lease (includes water, seeds and classes in food preservation – usually held at Petersen Barn. Goal is to provide people with materials to be a successful in growing food in Lane County climate. Have little free libraries in gardens and partner with many organizations within the community. Social services, WIC, SNAP, Food Pantry, Food bank, substance abuse (one on one, group), mental health councilors (ages 6-elderly), summer activities for youth, adult classes, help with taking citizenship classes, etc.
Future goals for organization are:
Youth program expansion and growth
Leadership Institute
Legal Support
Also working on business program – 12 week business development course (Spanish speakers) tailored to different business plans. People graduate with professional certificates, and plans to move forward with business idea(s). Mentor and technical support offered. People can take course if business is in proposal stage or already in existence to build upon knowledge.
– Andrea: Who are the preparation for driving/citizenship open to? Spanish and English speakers?
– Gaitlyn – Driving courses can be in Spanish and citizenship is often English but can accommodate.
– Andrea – If looking into a course?
– Gaitlyn – Downtown languages Facebook page would have details – put the Facebook page in chat for attendees.
7:45: Onward Eugene presentation – Nicole Desch. Program established in 2019 and is a non-profit organization – look to help encourage business expansion, recovery, talent and leadership within the business community. Onward provides workshops in both English and Spanish and provides access to a mentor network, monthly workshops, in-person and online programming is offered.
One program in particular called ID8 and is a accelerator course offered for free. Is an 8 week program helping people take steps to make their ideas/concepts for a business model and move forward to the next stage in becoming a company. Can find additional details at their website:
Has a 2nd program – Eugene launchpad accelerator – is a 12 week program to also help business ideas/concepts move forward.
The organization’s Innovation Hub located on 942 Olive street downtown Eugene also allows people to meet up with mentors for one on ones and exchange ideas.
Every 3rd Thursday of the month is the Start up Coffee Meet up- geared to connect mentors, establish or build up networking connections, etc. Runs 9-10am and does partner with Huerto de la Familia.
8:00: Lane SBDC – presentation by Roger Wong – screen shared for slide show. SBDC is an organization across U.S. The Oregon branch is in Lane county SBDC – has 20 regional centers.
-Has global trade program – help sell products overseas. Help people develop business plans – “small business development center” – SBDC partners with 18 community colleges.
– Provides free, confidential advising.
– Does not provide financing but can direct you to institutions that can help- cannot provide legal advice.
Offers workshops – three core programs offered:
Introduction to entrepreneur – Free 2 hour class
Business plan accelerated (B.P.A.) – 10 week program
Small Business Management (S.B.M.) – 3 year program
To contact organization can call or email:
8:26- Committee Reports:
8:27 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report earlier to board for review.
8:28 – Events– Lin – email sent out email with events – Zone park, Bethel farm plant sale 10-3 – Prairie Mountain school – Saturday 5/7
8:30 – Business Relations – 4/27 at 6:30. Two speakers scheduled from Cold Fire Brewing and Steve Gilbert.
8:31 – Public Safety – (Ed absent) – tabled for next meeting for update.
8:31 – Pantry – Charlie
8:32 – Transportation – Zach – Shared screen – letter drafted regarding Golden Gardens development – turtle protection requests/considerations:
Buffer zone for ponds
Advising committee – citizens
Balance between amenities with specific fields
Acquisition of more land for site
– Lin put forth motion to approve letter – 2nd by Charlie
Board approved letter to be sent to City of Eugene.
8:39 – Beautification – Travis. Motion to have Sarah lead beautification committee going forward – Board approved change of leadership.
8:41: Zach – Bike path update – through Eugene to be put in place soon.
– Suzanne – What responsibilities does the social equity committee have?
– Lin – Diversity and Inclusion efforts for Bethel area.
– Mark Bond – What is Lane County bike path master plan?
– Zach – Put in chat for attendees to see.
– Mark Bond – Would like to see more bike/walk path for Bethel. Walking path – Hughes to Echo Hollow – near Petersen Barn.
– Sarah – Will take a look to see if Beautification committee can help improve that pathway.
– 8:51 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin
Approved by board.