February 16th, 2022, 7-8:30pm (PST)
Members in attendance: Lin Woodrich, Amie Anderson-Forbis , Ed Farren, Sarah Warren, Suzanne O’Shea, Charlie Sterling, Zach Mulholland, Travis Johannes, Jeremy AAsum, Ethan Clevenger, Tai Pruce-Zimmerman
Guest: Councilor Randy Groves, Spencer McCoy, Paul Solomon and Nora Cronin
7:02: Meeting called to order: Tai
1st: Sarah
2nd: Travis
7:03: Agenda approved by board
7:03: Public Comment: Dharmika – discussed issues regarding noise disruption by Zip-O-Laminators. Low frequency (-200 HRZ) below city ordinances currently in place. Community members affected by noise disruptions raised money to engage an acoustic engineer to record level of noise disturbances. Requesting to have the noise ordinance changed.
Lin – Requested email address in chat for people to reach out
Councilor Groves – Work session poll for toxic polluters – expanded to include chronic noise issues. Looking at how to update zoning requirements on these issues. What can be legally done to help address.
Dharmika – Over 20 decimals over background found during research – will send report.
7:10: Meeting minutes put forth by Sarah to be approved – January
1st: Travis
2nd: Ed
Meeting minutes approved by board
7:10: Hours update – Lin – stepped in Amie will send out link for tracking hours.
7:11: Guest speaker Spencer McCoy, Paul Solomon and Nora Cronin – Homes for Good program and partnership with construction of The Coleman project in community.
Screen share by Spencer of site.
Spencer – Discussion about the new Coleman construction project – housing being built located in Trainsong area and the four corners of Eugene. Will be low income housing supply 52 units for people entering Sponsors for re-entry into public life after release from incarceration.
Nora (Homes for Good Project Manager) – Homes for Good organization has worked on many projects within Lane County and has strong work partnership.
Paul – (Sponsors representative) – Solo transitional housing that is designed to be long term housing for that community. Has had previous housing project on 14th and Oak experiment is proving successful with at least 92% of people in project are still housed. Sponsor’s has many support systems in place for transition community to help make a successful re-entry into society.
Lin – This is slated to be four stories tall with 52 living units and will also have offices.
Paul – That is correct. It will also have meeting room space, employment services, etc.
Suzanne – Is there a requirement that the people housed there are to be from Lane County?
Paul – Correct – residents must be from Lane County.
Travis – What is the timeline for this project?
Spencer – Project about a year from now – around August 2022-May 2023. 14 month construction period and will most likely open around June or July of 2024.
Nora – Timeline -with regards to funding, some funds have been approved but the bulk of funds are in still in process.
Tomas – noted in group chat – What employment opportunities will be offered?
Paul – Robust employment program with helping get people jobs. Have to be income qualified to be accepted.
Suzanne – Any housing for people who qualify for Section 8?
Nora – All units with be referral only and only from Sponsors.
Ethan – Fact sheet provided on website- request for image to be clearer.
Sarah – Will any part of this construction be focused on green building practices (i.e. solar energy, etc.)?
Nora – Required to participate in green programs in order to receive funding, including being able to use solar energy. Has to also have a HUD environmental review process for treating storm water such as rain gardens, etc.
Paul – Sponsors does also use some solar energy that help with some of the operational aspects of their building.
Suzanne – What is the storm water treatment process?
Nora – Water is filtered the storm water before going through the city.
7:38: Bethel Visioning and Capacity building – Zack and Lin.
Lin Shared screen.
Tomas – Golden Ponds – Wondered if picnic tables and/or benches could be placed around the walking path for public use?
Lin – Will include idea as part of the envisioning.
Suzanne – Can we get a map of the sports facility?
Board and attendees discussed sports facility.
Lin – Meeting tomorrow/HRNI about capacity building.
Board and attendees spoke on how to use funds responsibly to benefit Bethel. Went over topics and ideas from Visioning spreadsheet.
Councilor Groves: Want to keep momentum moving forward for Bethel to keep positive change in focus.
Ed- Could use canvassing neighbors to find out what people are thinking?
Charlie – Promotion to buy ad space to help get people interested and aware of issues/projects?
Zach – Working to put in place a new committee that will focus on business development to help bring about certain projects.
Civic engagement next meeting will be 3/2/2022 at 6:30 to start discussion of ways to attract more business to the Bethel area.
8:30 – Committee Reports:
8:30 – Disaster preparedness – Ed – Meet 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 – Zoom meetings.
8:31 – Finance – Suzanne sent out financial report earlier to board for review.
8:32 –Civic – Lin- discussed items earlier in meeting.
8:32 –Recycle – Lin- Last recycle event was successful! Lots of people participated.
8:33 – Events – Lin- Tree planting events- Gilbert and Mangan parks will be 9am-12pm. If interested please reach out. Meeting being also set up for discussing how Jessen Pond development is moving forward and impact on community access.
8:34 –Beautification – Travis. Meetings schedules for 2nd Thursday of each month at 6pm. Community garden at Peterson Barn is moving forward. Hoping to have a grand opening in early summer. Working on discussing possibilities for redeveloping space.
8:36- Social Equity – Lin/Travis – Working to find ways of making it more robust and attract more interest from community.
8:36 – Pantry – Charlie – Good donations still coming in. Food drive was a success! Bethel area collected highest amount raised in Eugene – collected 1,518 lbs of food.
– 8:38 – Motion to adjourn made by: Lin
Approved by board.