dom 07 de jul
Pet Food Drive to Benefit the Greenhill Humane Society - July 7 and July 28, 2024
The Active Bethel Community Food Pantry Committee will be holding a pet food drive to benefit the Greenhill Humane Society on July 7 and July 28 from 1-4pm at the Albertson's on Royal Avenue. Preferred donation items include dry and wet food for cats and dogs. Every donation is appreciated!
Horario y ubicación
07 jul 2024, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Albertsons, 4740 Royal Ave, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
Acerca del evento
The Active Bethel Community Food Pantry Committee will be holding a pet food drive to benefit the Greenhill Humane Society on July 7 and July 28 from 1-4pm at the Albertson's on Royal Avenue. Preferred donation items include dry and wet food for cats and dogs. Every donation is appreciated!
What: Pet Food Drive to benefit the Greenhill Humane Society
When: Sunday, July 7 and Sunday, July 28 from 1-4pm
Where: Donations can be taken to the Active Bethel Community donation table, which will be set up in front of the Albertson's on Royal Avenue in Eugene. ABC volunteers will be present to accept donations and monitor the donation barrels.
Donation Wishlist*
Dry cat food**
Wet cat food**
Dry dog food
Wet dog food
**In-demand item at Greenhill
*We cannot accept opened or used pet food. Thank you for your understanding.
Donations will help support the 3,000 animals that the Greenhill Humane Society saves annually. Donations will be taken to Greenhill within one week of each food drive day. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit Greenhill's website and give a gift via their donation form. We will not be able to take cash donations on behalf of Greenhill during the pet food drive. We cannot accept opened or used pet food. Thank you for your understanding.