What's New in the Neighborhood
Post local and neighborhood news here!
16Helping Others
Doing any local charity work, have info about a food drive, or just interested in helping? Post here.
3Bethel Barter
Interested in trading stuff for services, or have a service or items you'd like to barter? Post here.
2Events in the Area
Know of any events happening in the area, or just interested in finding an activity to join? Post here!
14Neighborhood Safety & Crime
Did you see a huge pothole that could be dangerous, or did a crime happen on your street? Post info here!
4Buy & Sell
Want to buy/sell used stuff in our neighborhood instead of having to drive all over town? Post here. :)
4Business Networking
Looking to network with other businesses, or looking for new employees in this area? Post here.
2Just Chat!
Get to know your neighbors. No political talk!
3Multicultural Cookbook
Share recipes from our diverse neighborhood!
4Bethel VISION
Help the ABC Board seize opportunities to make Bethel better by offering your help, ideas, and expertise here.